Well, of course they do.

Worldwide legalization of the addictive drug would go a long ways towards solving their biggest single problem — Colombia’s booming illegal cocaine industry.

That’s feeding habits around the world, and other nations are demanding the Colombian government do something about it.

From a recent statement by the Colombian President: “Scientists have analyzed this: cocaine is not worse than whiskey…” Yadda yadda. He insists that worldwide legalization would cause the black market for cocaine to simply collapse. Problem solved.

I seriously doubt that. It sure hasn’t worked that way with respect to cannabis. In fact, the black market for pot products appears stronger than ever.

Besides, fully legalizing a potentially addictive substance doesn’t result in fewer users — or fewer problems related to its use. It does eliminate much of the expense and damage related to the challenge of enforcement, and as we in the USA know, those can be substantial.

Colombia’s dilemma: They now produce the greatest part of the world’s cocaine, the vast majority of which is sold to people in other countries. Naturally, those countries want the Colombian government to stem the flow.

Legalizing coke  around the world would presumably make that pressure go away — to the great relief of Colombia’s leaders.

Here’s an overview of the situation.

Meanwhile, back in the US, drug overdose deaths ‘involving’ cocaine have risen steadily over the past decade, with a big jump of almost 75% between 2019-2022 (now standing at 27,000). Of course, other drugs, principally fentanyl, are also a factor in most of those deaths.

I’m no expert on South American politics, but I assume Colombia’s president isn’t eager to take on his country’s rich, well-armed cartels, especially since he also must deal with rebellious guerrillas in the mountain areas. He’s hoping to convince the rest of the world’s nations to solve his problem for him.

Can you blame him?

By the way, the price of cocaine is still relatively high in that all-important US market – between $60 to $200 a gram – indicating continued strong demand.

It did occur to me that if cocaine were legal everywhere, the Colombian government itself could become involved in supplying that lucrative market with legally produced coke, and pocket some of the profits.

I’m sure that never occurred to them.