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Alcoholics Anonymous is the oldest and most famous 12-Step program, and it has helped millions of addicts and alcoholics recover.  And its related family programs, Al-anon and Alateen, are almost as old.  And just as helpful.

Addiction is a family disease.  “If only he/she would stop drinking/using,” we often think, “everything would be fine.”  But just as a family member’s drinking or using affects us, so does their recovery.  Family programs like Al-anon and Alateen can help us learn ways to recover from the effects of someone else’s addiction, and help us contribute to their recovery.

From the Al-Anon website:  Questions Newcomers Ask

From the Al-Anon website:  Alateen: Questions Teens Ask

The Al-Anon website has a number of helpful tools to introduce family twelve-step programs:

logo and slogan for alanon family groups





This post belongs to Family 12-Step