7 Trips to Rehab, Part One

These are issues that users seldom take into consideration, in the rush to get the drug. But healthcare professionals, and their attorneys, have to consider them.

Unless you watched the family's reality TV show (2002-2005), you might not be familiar with the subject of the linked article -- it's Kelly Osbourne, daughter of famed "heavy metal" musician Ozzy.

She's been through rehabs seven different times, and wants to share her observations. There are too many to address here, so I'll make this Part One of two. First, a link to the original article:

Kelly Osbourne says her first rehab stint was like 'university on how to be a better drug addict'

Osbourne begins with the claim that rehab patients easily manipulate program staff into giving them additional medication (presumably the kind that isn't really needed). All you need to do, she reports, is to threaten to sign out of the program.

"People," she claims, "threatened to leave until they got given what they wanted, whether it be Ambien for sleep, Valium for nerves…” I’ve seen that happen too. She assumes, however, that the nurse acquiesces simply because the program’s...


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Some Downward Progress

Many older folks turn to cannabis to self-medicate the pain and sleep problems that can plague old age. As they become dependent on cannabis, we could see the emergence of more health-related problems there.

Some Downward Progress

Many older folks turn to cannabis to self-medicate the pain and sleep problems that can plague old age. As they become dependent on cannabis, we could see the emergence of more health-related problems there.

Mean Green

At this point in the US, there are allegedly a couple of hundred thousand people who would reasonably qualify as ketamine-addicted.

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7 Trips to Rehab, Part One

These are issues that users seldom take into consideration, in the rush to get the drug. But healthcare professionals, and their attorneys, have to consider them.

Gambling with TikTok

They're mostly young themselves, as is their target audience, and dedicated to portraying gambling as a far more fun, safe, and profitable activity than it really is.

Life in a Hot Spot

Make it a continuing effort, using strategies based in evidence, and harnessing the power of human interaction-- instead of relying on a burst of anti-drug education, however intense.

Hunter on Trial

...in the claustrophobic environment of a trial, it seems it's still permissible to treat the consequences of this complex, multifactorial chronic disorder as simply the result of some poor soul’s irresponsible decision-making.

7 Trips to Rehab, Part One

These are issues that users seldom take into consideration, in the rush to get the drug. But healthcare professionals, and their attorneys, have to consider them.

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Exercising for Chronic Pain Relief

We've known for several decades that regular exercise, even the mild sort, helps lessen symptoms of depression. It comes as no surprise that it may also help with CPS and the mood problems that accompany it.

Drugs in Jail

If 70% or more of a jail population has been identified as having a drug or alcohol problem – that does happen – then what you’re really operating is a treatment center that happens to have bars on the windows and guards at the entrance.

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