Tag: customer service



Customer Service Secrets of the Stars

Inpatient customers are at your facility 24 hours a day, seven days a week. During that time they may be interacting with counselors, group leaders, techs, medical staff and other clinical folks for several hours a day. But the hospitality staff are there all the time.

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Happy Customers

Exceeding — not just meeting — a particular customer’s expectations is the key to happy customers. You don’t have to be perfect. You just have to be better than the customer expects, at that moment in time.

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The Innovation Shopper

Some will be the sort of folks who insist on using the latest and greatest. Others will represent large purchasers, searching for something that might work on patients who haven’t responded to other methods.

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The Price Shopper

A government or insurance buyer needs to make certain that a provider offers a particular service and meets particular standards of performance. They won’t necessarily require you to exceed those standards, or provide extras. They understand that we get what we pay for.

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Success in the Marketplace

Addiction treatment is never just a business. It’s a public trust. Our goal must be to fulfill that trust by providing the very best service we can to the people who need it. That doesn’t mean we can’t do very well from a business perspective.

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